More on Substance Abuse Treatment

Addiction treatment is the only real option for many people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs. Treatment can be done on an outpatient or internal basis, and both types of treatment have their advantages and disadvantages. Some programs are limited to alcohol or other drugs, while others include alcohol and drugs in the same program.

The treatment of drug addiction in hospitalized patients is more intensive than outpatient programs

The hospitalization program can last 30 days or can go on indefinitely, depending on the financing of the patient. People live in cramped conditions and are detoxified. They are often prevented from leaving the program and attending group and individual therapy throughout the day. They may have entertainment programs, but they are not part of the actual treatment. Hospitalized patients work hard on their problems and try to discover the main problems that contribute to the use of psychoactive substances.

Outpatient substance abuse treatment benton is suitable for those who do not expect detoxification problems and have strong family support. Many outpatient programs are daytime, with most of the day devoted to various group, family, and sometimes individual treatment methods. AA or NA is often part of outpatient programs, and people are encouraged to seek a sponsor. Outpatient programs can also last up to a month, but it depends on the program and the funding of the offender.

substance abuse treatment benton

Some drugs for the treatment of drug addiction are directed only to drug addicts. The problems associated with detoxification have been resolved, and medications can be prescribed to reduce the risk of re-drinking alcohol. There are even medicines that control the need to drink. Alcoholics can meet to discuss issues related to their alcohol consumption and are invited to visit AA and find a sponsor. The judge asks many patients for alcohol treatment after being arrested by DWI or DUI. A court order issued by a court is not as successful as voluntary treatment.

There are those who believe that treatment for substance abuse should be separated from treatment for alcoholism, because the problems are very different. Drug users can get drugs to help with cravings. Other drug users have problems with withdrawal and are learning to stay away from drugs. People who use drugs, especially drugs, can switch to AN on an outpatient basis to get as much support as possible in order to stay clean.


If a person does not have a stable life situation nor has many friends who use and abuse drugs or alcohol, it will be more difficult for him to fully recover from substance abuse. For this reason, hospital therapy is sometimes better for those who do not have the right family or other support.

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