Depression that occurs can also interfere with rest and appetite, so you often feel tired and have difficulty concentrating. The effects of depression can be long-lasting or even recurring and can affect a person’s ability to function and carry out daily activities so for treatment if is as vised to visit counselling center burlington for better treatment.
Depression Risk Factors
Depression generally occurs in adolescents in the age range of 20–30, although all age groups also have their risks. More women than men are diagnosed with this mental disorder, but women are more likely to seek treatment immediately. Well, several factors that can trigger depression, including:
Have a family history of mental health disorders.
Abusing alcohol or illegal drugs.
Having certain personality traits, such as low self-esteem, being too hard on yourself, pessimistic, or too dependent on others.
Have a chronic or serious illness, such as a thyroid hormone disorder, head injury, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, cancer, stroke, chronic pain, or heart disease.
Taking certain medications, such as some high blood pressure medications or sleeping pills.
Experiencing a traumatic event, such as sexual assault, death, loss of a loved one, or financial problems.
Causes of Depression
It is not known for certain what causes depression. Many risks can increase the risk of this disorder like biological problems, chemical disturbance in the brain and hormonal disorders, even hereditary disorders
Changes or disturbances in hormone balance can trigger depression. This often occurs during pregnancy and several weeks or months after (postpartum). In addition, someone who has thyroid problems, menopause, and several other conditions also have a high risk of depression.The problem of depression is more at risk for someone with a nuclear family who has had it. Mentioned if genes can affect the risk of causing depression.
Depression Treatment
Living with depression can be difficult, but treatment can help improve the quality of life for people with depression. Try to see a medical professional ask for some treatment methods to get better. Some of the ways that doctors can do to help people with depression they are experiencing, including:
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). This therapy aims to help sufferers let go of negative thoughts and feelings, and replace them with positive responses.
Problem-solving therapy (PST), improve the sufferer’s ability to deal with experiences that trigger feelings of depression.
Interpersonal therapy (IPT) help overcome problems that arise when dealing with other people.
Psychodynamic therapy help sufferers understand what they are feeling and how to respond to those feelings.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for people with depression who do not improve after being given drugs, experience symptoms of psychosis, and people who try to commit suicide.