Many will tell you that the gospel of Jesus Christ is that He died for your sins. Many people believe that if you are a Christian, you will do good. We try to do something to earn God’s favor. When I am honest with myself, I realize that my righteousness or my good works are failing. When I realized that Christ wants to save me from sin, and not save me from sin, this completely changed my point of view. First, I had to understand that sin is all that separates me from God. All God asked me to do was allow him to come into my life and remove what separates me from him. All the good things I do are the result of His presence in my life. As long as I have a relationship with what is for me, I can know that I have not completely surrendered to Him. I think this is what Paul was talking about when he said that he died every day, but still lived, not he, but Christ Jesus lived in him.
I believe that the story of Christ’s life here on earth in the Gospels is both a testimony and a revelation of how He wants us to live by His grace. Christ told the scribes and Pharisees that they were studying the Scriptures because they thought they had eternal life. He told him that the Scriptures really bear witness to him as per korean Jesus. The Word of God is just that. The power of the Bible is not in its words, but in the authority of the Author. My own righteousness cannot meet the requirements of obedience to the Law of God. However, if Christ truly dwells in my heart through His righteousness, the requirements of the law are true. There is absolutely nothing I can do on my own to deserve salvation, it is 100% a gift from God.
When I study the Word of God from creation, to the cross, to His coming again, to the final solution of the problem of sin, I understand how much He really loves me and wants me to be with Him. death on the cross made my salvation possible, it is because of His justice, which is a free gift, that I can accept this gift. Just as the church in Christ’s time did not understand His mission, the Christian church today does not see that symbolically we must die with Christ and rely solely on His righteousness for our salvation.
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